MSP - A Story of Continuous Innovation
Medical Strategic Planning (MSP), was originally established in 1992 to provide actionable business intelligence on the North American medical device & information system markets. Over the decades the U.S. Healthcare market has evolved and so has MSP.
In 1998 the Company began publishing the Industry Alert? newsletter, which remained in circulation for 19 years. Copies of the covers and table of contents are available under the Library/Pubs tab.
Recently, Industry Alert was replaced by a new newsletter Crisis/EPP Alert? that focusus on helping Americans, Hospitals, Churches, and Elderly Communities better prepare for emergencies. See the Covid./News tab for more information on these resources.
After the 2008 Recession, until 2012, MSP hosted and enhanced the EHR Selector website, a website focused on helping physicians in all practice specialties to compare and adopt EHR solutions. Arthur Gasch and Betty Gasch, RN, BSN, wrote a book, Successfully Choosing Your EMR - 15 Crucial Decisions published by Wiley Press in 2010.
In 2013, MSP expanded its core management, adding Kenneth Happel as its CTO, and Richard Dick, Ph.D. as its CMIO. Mr. Gasch also became a partner in Ontologica, a firm that provides commercial application based upon Triad Dataspace? technology. Triad? and Triad Dataspace? are trademarks of Ontologica, LLC, used their permission.
MSP obtained an exclusive, worldwide license to use Triad? technology for Healthcare and Healthcare I.T. applications, as Mr. Gasch and Mr. Happel have been exploring the introduction of Triad? technology into Healthcare.
The Emergence of Triad Dataspace?
Triad? brings a commercially-unknown binary information representation that enhances security, e-data acquisition, analytics, pattern extraction and near-real time control alerts to health, wellness and biologic markets. The information model is novel and leapfrogs Block Chain approaches for e-data security. It also enhances binary storage efficiency by orders of magnitude compared to current systems. Triad? technology is ideal for centralized, cloud SAN repositories that are secure and meet all HIPAA and GDPR security requirements. Such repositories can even be EMP survivable if properly designed, an important factor for healthcare information resilience during future cyber attacks on the US infrastructure. Triad? ends cyber threats. Yet it is cost-effective to implement.
Triad? is an ideal infrastructure on which to build a Health/Personal Record Bank structure as articulated in the 21st. Century Cure's Act.
Given that this technology is announced and available, hospitals/health systems that ignore it and are then breached, may be considered legally negligent for not implementing it. As a small company, MSP has limited implementation resources, so clients will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis.
What's Ahead
If we have learned anything from the past, it's that there are no crystal balls, particularly in the present, turbulent political climate. However, MSP has always been a very nimble company since 1992, and has shown its ability to pivot as required when market conditions have evolved.
We are sitting on some very cool and advanced AI technology and waiting for God to bring those with true vision and Kingdom resources to empower a more widespread use of this technology for Kingdom of God purposes. If you are a true Angel Investor or a group of Investors with a Christian Investment focus, and would like to learn more about this particular opportunity, Click Here or use the menus above to navigate to the INVESTOR's page.
We thank God for His help since 1992 when MSP was founded, and look forward to continuing His work of helping people find Salvation, Wellness, Healing, Grace, and the Joy of living in His Kingdom in spite of the Socialist, radical political and woke climate that America that is emerging.