MSP Research Approach
MSP's Reality™ (Filemaker Pro) Research technology is powerful for proprietory web-based Virtual Focus Groups, Conjoint Studies and Analytics, Customer Satisfaction, Drug research and similar research. Reality™ empowers clients to do their own research inexpensively because facility and contact personal are integrated into it directly.
MSP has been conducting healthcare data research and analytics since 1998. The most important element of a successful survey is the survey design! When the research is done, you can't analyze answers to questions you didn't ask correctly (or at all)! Our experience and healthcare relational database models can help you avoid expensive design mistakes.
Each 'variable' in the research can potentially be a different dimension of a complex behavioral surface. A-priori knowledge is not a reliable guide to causality. One does not know until after the research is completed how unanticipated combinations of variables clustered or affected the behavior surface.
MSP designs questions and answer sets so they can be mapped to "unit intervals" required to normalize answer sets for back-end, real-time knowledge AI (knowledge manifold) analytics. This is an uncommon but important approach to empower advanced analytics.
Most other market research competitors simply use flat, non-relational (spreadsheet-type) 'flat'-information models that severely limit research analytics analysis. Others combine two or more independent variables into a single research question with a compound answer set.
MSP's approach conserves precious market research resources by helping clients conduct their own research. MSP assists clients to design their own research data infrastructures, and then conducts the research and does the analytics directly, or allow helps the client do directly.
Knowledge manifold data analytics can reveal information and boundary condition not previously apparent in the raw data collected, providing the ability to unmask higher-dimensional relationships that would otherwise be missed. MSP invites providers to benefit from our experience and leverage the insights it provides.
Use this YouTube link to learn about bottom-up versus top-down market research approaches.
Step 2 - Data Collection
Step 1 - ProperSurvey Design
Most Surveys are not well served by Flat File (Spreadsheet) Designs; many require multi-dimensional relationships to be inmcorporated. MSP brings decades of survey experience to your project to empower the ultimate analytics your data needs to meet your (sometimes unstated )research objectives.
Different survey designs often require vastly different data collection methods. What works for short and less complex research can fail for more complex projects. Over the decades, we have had both successes and failures! Learn from our experiences.
Step 3 - Analytics
Cross Tabulations, Nearest Neighbor/Cluster Analysis, Higher-Dimensional Data Sets, Causality Evaluation - all impose constraints on survey design. Let us help your survey deliver the results that will provide the most helpful perspectives.